Delaware Tech Upward Bound took first place in a national video contest with hundreds of entries! The video they submitted was produced by the The Film Brothers.
TRIO is a name that represents the three founding groups that formed to help college students. They are: ‘Upward Bound’, ‘Talent Search’, and ‘Student Support Service’. It began with small number of students and a few million dollars in the 1960s, then grew into billion-dollar program for almost a million students. They make it possible for low-income, first-generation students to attend higher education.
Upward Bound is part of the Community for Opportunity and Education (COE), who celebrated their 50th anniversary in 2014. For the event, they conducted a student video contest.
Both Delaware Technical Community College and The Film Brothers were honored at COE’s 33rd Annual Conference at a luncheon on September 10, 2014 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.